Call Federal Senators and tell them not to pass this rushed legislation that will see people who fear returning to their home country jailed for up to five years and bans on entering the country from "countries of concern".
Seeking Asylum is a human right and part of our country's rich history and generosity. This change is a huge step backwards and will criminalise people who just want somewhere safe to call their home.
These powers are a huge overreach and give a single government minister the power to enact a Trump-style travel ban. This would allow them ...
Call Federal Senators and tell them not to pass this rushed legislation that will see people who fear returning to their home country jailed for up to five years and bans on entering the country from "countries of concern".
Seeking Asylum is a human right and part of our country's rich history and generosity. This change is a huge step backwards and will criminalise people who just want somewhere safe to call their home.
These powers are a huge overreach and give a single government minister the power to enact a Trump-style travel ban. This would allow them ban entire countries of people from applying for visas at their discretion with no scrutiny.
We cannot let these changes become law.